SOS Maman

While the world is watching your baby, we focus on you!

Our Mission is:

-> To guide you every step of the way. During pregnancy, labor, delivery and post-partum.

-> To help you transition as easy as possible.

Our Objectives are:

> Provide information with objectivity and scientific base.

> Help you understand the process.

> Help you make an informed decision.

Our Services

are in:

> English.

> Français.

> Español.

We specialized ourselves to help you better!

SOS Maman is the realization of a dream. This is a career path that I had chosen long ago and it is the product of a long professional road.

My Peruvian Midwife background along with my Nursing and Lactation consultant skills are placed at your service.As a former Undergrad Scholar from USMP, I had the opportunity to work in one of the poorest areas of LIMA- PERU. This experience allowed me to practice ancient non invasive procedures to help women to cope with pain. This unique experience enriched my life forever.

In 2009, I graduated from the Nursing program at College Maisonneuve. This allowed me to work in different specialties, but my calling was strong and I returned to the Obstetrical world once again.

In 2010 I found my professional home. One of Montreal’s busiest birthing center opened its doors to me and it was a great experience that will stay with me wherever I go.

2015 represented a huge year for me.  I became a Lactation consultant while working at the hospital. Also, I started to work with Dr Macfarlane at Clinique Origyne. She became a professional mothering figure, a mentor and friend who I respect deeply.

Working at CO and the busiest birthing center allowed me to provide care in a multicultural environment. These valuable settings brought me countless opportunities to learn from different cultures, to understand their approach to pain and the diversity of their understanding to labor.  This allow me to learn and grow not just as a person, but as a professional as well. I learned the value of each person and the importance of their roles as part of the working team. Also, I began to understand the specific needs of the new parents to be and help create their “New Parenting TEAM”.

As a newcomer myself, I do understand the needs of those who came to this country and have no family locally nor a guide that will facilitate access to the many services available. We are here to provide the information needed.

Pregnancy is a unique stage of life, a SENTINEL EVENT that if developed in an foreign environment could quickly became an overwhelming experience. Allow me to help you make it a wonderful experience.

2017 opened new opportunities to me! My expertise has grown to a level 2 Lactation Consultant. Now, I give support to all Nurses & IBCLC’s of Montréal.This means more knowledge and experience at your service.

What is an IBCLC?

An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is the only internationally certified healthcare professional in the clinical management of breastfeeding and human lactation (Blenkinsop, 2002; Wambach et al., 2005).

IBCLCs adhere to standards of practice and a code of ethics, and work within a defined scope of practice (IBLCE, 2003, 2008; ILCA, 2006).

Required prerequisites for the certification exam that bestows the IBCLC credential are clinical practice experience in management of lactation and breastfeeding, as well as education in human lactation, breastfeeding, and general health sciences (IBLCE, 2011a, 2011b).

Maintenance of IBCLC certification requires continued education in human lactation, breastfeeding, and professional ethics (IBLCE, 2011c).

A healthcare ally

International Board Certified Lactation Consultants are recognized worldwide as the only healthcare professional with an international certification in breastfeeding and lactation management.

The standardization of specialized knowledge and skill to attain this international certification justifies the significant impact of the IBCLC in any setting.



What is the impact of the IBCLC in the society?

Þ IBCLCs improve breastfeeding outcomes. IBCLCs have a unique body of knowledge and skill to provide breastfeed- ing and lactation care from routine to high-risk situations (IBLCE, 2003, 2008; ILCA, 2006). The availability of IBCLCs increases breastfeeding rates, which in turn im- proves the health outcomes of the community, nation, and the world

Þ IBCLCs lower health costs. Formula feeding increases adverse health outcomes, difficult hospital re-admissions, hospital lengths of stay, and lost days at work by parents due to sick children (Bartick & Reinhold, 2010; DHHS, 2010; WHO, 2007). The increased number of infants that are breastfed because of the availability of IBCLCs lowers these formula-related healthcare costs.

Þ IBCLCs improve consumer statisfaction. By helping breast- feeding mothers and families to achieve their breastfeeding and lactation goals, IBCLCs improve the care of mothers and infants. Consequently, consumer satisfaction with the health care team increases (Chin & Amir, 2008).

Þ IBCLCs improves an institution’s image. Improvement of consumer satisfaction enhances any institution’s competitive image. The availability of an IBCLC improves an institu- tion’s image as a breastfeeding friendly entity. This can in- crease the institution’s consumer base and can be particularly helpful in meeting accreditation and quality measurement standards (CDC, 2011; IBCLC Care Award, 2011; United States Breastfeeding Committee, 2010).

Þ IBCLCs improve consumer trust. IBCLCs are knowledge- able and ethical professionals who are bound by a code of ethics, scope of practice, and standards of practice (IBLCE, 2003, 2008; ILCA, 2006). The credential is a privilege and revocable for cause. Thus, breastfeeding mothers, families, and communities trust IBCLCs (IBCLC Care Award, 2011; United States Breastfeeding Committee, 2010).

Þ IBCLCs improve breastfeeding programs and policies. The clinical practice experience and empirical knowledge of IBCLCs give insight into lactation program development. IBCLCs are instrumental in policy and program develop- ment discussions on any issues that affect breastfeeding mothers, families, and communities (Bonuck, Trombley, Freeman, & McKee, 2005; Mannel, 2011)

Why to choose Maman Cigogne’s services?

10+ years of Experience

A extense knowledge from year working in Labor and delivery room and in a outpatient clinical area.

Individualized care plan

We will create a care plan that fits tour needs and the needs of you baby.

Home Services

We go to you. Have the profesional come to see you at the comfort of your own house.

Our Blog

2022 Breast Pumps Review

If there is something new mothers need to have on their baby list is a good electric pump. No one wants to think on the worst scenario, but sometimes it is best to be prepare than sorry. With social media full of unsolicited halfway advice, most new parents become...

Newborn and Sunstroke

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Preparing for a Home visit

Having someone outside your bubble coming over is something stressful. e are here to make this experience the less stressful possible. We are providing in-home services for those in need and we require everyone present during the consultation to wear a mask. This is...

A Breastfeeding House Call

Expressing the desire to breastfeed your baby is something all new mothers say. But as they are aware of their little knowledge, they look for prenatal classes that are quite useless when the time to breastfeed arrives. Nowadays, breastfeeding is becoming a norm and...

Do I need to see and IBCLC if my baby has a TIE?

A tongue-tie or Aknyloglosia affects approximately 2% of the population, Yet, here in Canada as more women are breastfeeding Ankyloglossia is a subject that is more frequently mentioned in the first newborn check-up. As the demand for a revision or frenectomy has...

How to choose the right pump

INTRODUCTION Choosing a pump is directly related to the use that you are going to give it. Foreseeing what would be like your breastfeeding story is a gamble that does not always fulfill our needs. Most of us, who do not have the luxury to be able to afford the most...


Most pregnant women feel the joy and excitement of becoming pregnant. But, after the excitement wears off mostly after that dreadful 1st trimester, a little panic may start to build in. It is then that you may realize that you may know a thing or two about babies, but...

Celebrating Father’s Day

Father’s days was created thanks to the inspiration and long life effort of Sonora Louis Smart Dood. Her father a widower with 6 children to raise was an example of fatherhood. Dood realize that there was a need to celebrate Father's Day after hearing a sermon on...

Breastfeeding 101

Is it necessary to prepare for Breastfeeding? Most pregnant women feel the joy and excitement of becoming pregnant. That wishful thinking that has become a reality. But, after the excitement wears off mostly after that dreadful 1st trimester, you may start to feel a...


Milk-supply is the concern of every breastfeeding mother. Having a low or over production can be equally challenging. If this is your case, do not worry, there are simple steps to regulate your milk supply in a safe way. To have a better understanding, let’s have a...

We want you to have the most accurate information at hand. For this reason, we have added this new link to our blog. 

Nosotras queremos que tengas la información exacta y disponible cuando lo necesites. Por ello, te damos acceso a nuestro blog.