As a MW, RN & Lactation Consultant, I was privileged to see the change in our society over the years.

“The Baby-friendly Hospital initiative (BFHI) had been launched by WHO and UNICEF in 1991, following the Innocenti Declaration in 1990. The initiative is a global effort to implement practices that protect, promote and support breastfeeding.” – World Health Organization.

It has been since 2010, that here  in Montreal, there has been a strong moment to support and promote  Montreal’s Baby FRIENDLY movement  in the birthing and delivery rooms.

As part of the careful preparation and implementation of the Baby-Friendly Code, the maternity staff have undergone intensive training to meet ensure best practice. For example, we have transitioned from using branded products, such as Nestles, to discover that these branded products were not necessary and no longer use them in our practice.

Changes can be hard to accept and unfortunately there have critics about the choices of discontinuing these brands. Despite the opposition to our decision to change our policy direction, we knew that the change was for the good for all the mothers and babies who we deeply care.  Despite the critics, we have continued in good faith so that the clients who we come intocontact with, will see the benefits of not using brand products. We know better days will come for all.

Perseverance has paid off because today there is a new frontline of healthcare workers who are available. “Doulas’ have now the important job to undertake the extra load that our health care system cannot do and because of the help of Doulas, we thrive TOGETHER! ♥

Google, AKA Dr Google, has become a beacon for information sharing on issues regarding health, and this information is just a click away. This has reduced the need for us to educate the population on best practices in how to best care for new-born babies. Like Dr Google, breast feeding is understood to be the most natural and effective for the well-being of your baby. We are no longer considered to be the “boob pushers”, and instead we have become the “boob whispers” as a client of mine  had called me. How cute, I wanted to share this with you.

Early in 2018, I went to a conference were all IBCLC’s agreed on one thing: “The change has arrived.”

After nearly 10 years, there is a definite shift in perception on breast-feeding which is now the norm. We will continue to support this most natural of care to our most precious beings, the baby.

This is part of the work we will do from now ON! ♥