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2022 Breast Pumps Review

If there is something new mothers need to have on their baby list is a good electric pump. No one wants to think on the worst scenario, but sometimes it is best to be prepare than sorry. With social media full of unsolicited halfway advice, most new parents become...

Newborn and Sunstroke

Summer days have come and with them the warmer temperatures allow us to enjoy the simple pleasure nature brings. After enduring a long winter, the summer hot days are here and we cannot wait to go for a walk in the warm weather....

Preparing for a Home visit

Having someone outside your bubble coming over is something stressful. e are here to make this experience the less stressful possible. We are providing in-home services for those in need and we require everyone present during the consultation to wear a mask. This is...

A Breastfeeding House Call

Expressing the desire to breastfeed your baby is something all new mothers say. But as they are aware of their little knowledge, they look for prenatal classes that are quite useless when the time to breastfeed arrives. Nowadays, breastfeeding is becoming a norm and...

Do I need to see and IBCLC if my baby has a TIE?

A tongue-tie or Aknyloglosia affects approximately 2% of the population, Yet, here in Canada as more women are breastfeeding Ankyloglossia is a subject that is more frequently mentioned in the first newborn check-up. As the demand for a revision or frenectomy has...

How to choose the right pump

INTRODUCTION Choosing a pump is directly related to the use that you are going to give it. Foreseeing what would be like your breastfeeding story is a gamble that does not always fulfill our needs. Most of us, who do not have the luxury to be able to afford the most...


Most pregnant women feel the joy and excitement of becoming pregnant. But, after the excitement wears off mostly after that dreadful 1st trimester, a little panic may start to build in. It is then that you may realize that you may know a thing or two about babies, but...

Celebrating Father’s Day

Father’s days was created thanks to the inspiration and long life effort of Sonora Louis Smart Dood. Her father a widower with 6 children to raise was an example of fatherhood. Dood realize that there was a need to celebrate Father's Day after hearing a sermon on...

Breastfeeding 101

Is it necessary to prepare for Breastfeeding? Most pregnant women feel the joy and excitement of becoming pregnant. That wishful thinking that has become a reality. But, after the excitement wears off mostly after that dreadful 1st trimester, you may start to feel a...


Milk-supply is the concern of every breastfeeding mother. Having a low or over production can be equally challenging. If this is your case, do not worry, there are simple steps to regulate your milk supply in a safe way. To have a better understanding, let’s have a...

2022 Breast Pumps Review

If there is something new mothers need to have on their baby list is a good electric pump. No one wants to think on the worst scenario, but sometimes it is best to be prepare than sorry. With social media full of unsolicited halfway advice, most new parents become...

Newborn and Sunstroke

Newborn and Sunstroke

Summer days have come and with them the warmer temperatures allow us to enjoy the simple pleasure nature brings. After enduring a long winter, the summer hot days are here and we cannot wait to go for a walk in the warm weather....

Preparing for a Home visit

Preparing for a Home visit

Having someone outside your bubble coming over is something stressful. e are here to make this experience the less stressful possible. We are providing in-home services for those in need and we require everyone present during the consultation to wear a mask. This is...

A Breastfeeding House Call

A Breastfeeding House Call

Expressing the desire to breastfeed your baby is something all new mothers say. But as they are aware of their little knowledge, they look for prenatal classes that are quite useless when the time to breastfeed arrives. Nowadays, breastfeeding is becoming a norm and...

Do I need to see and IBCLC if my baby has a TIE?

Do I need to see and IBCLC if my baby has a TIE?

A tongue-tie or Aknyloglosia affects approximately 2% of the population, Yet, here in Canada as more women are breastfeeding Ankyloglossia is a subject that is more frequently mentioned in the first newborn check-up. As the demand for a revision or frenectomy has...

How to choose the right pump

How to choose the right pump

INTRODUCTION Choosing a pump is directly related to the use that you are going to give it. Foreseeing what would be like your breastfeeding story is a gamble that does not always fulfill our needs. Most of us, who do not have the luxury to be able to afford the most...

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